Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Time Travel?

Ever hear of time travel?

Well that is what is going to happen. I am time traveling past the last three weeks! It all began with my husband being unavailable to keep our little girl so I could go work out. He would come in around 9:30 and say "there is still time to go to the gym". Ha. I don’t leave the house after 9 if I don’t have to. Once those jammies come on, I ain’t a traveling out.

At the end of that week I had to pack and fly away to the great state of Minnesota! I attended a sculpting retreat there with 7 other fabulous ladies. A week full of sculpting, staying up pass 2 am hopped up on coffee. The retreat was hosted by a fantastic lady who happened to be an awesome chef! And most of her meals were prepared with fresh vegetables but not all were under my calorie intake. Not to mention, I snacked on a few brownies now and then. I think in my delirious sleep deprived state, I may recall a slice or two of birthday cake. Maybe.

Great River Retreat Minnesota

On the plane flight home, I vowed I would give myself one week before getting on the scale and seeing how bad I was. The next morning, I got on the scale anyway, and had gained 5 pounds. Yikes. I wasn’t too disappointed I mean, brownies and birthday cake, I expected a rise in my weight. Especially since the only exercise I got was walking upstairs to my room twice a day. 
So I gave my self a week to get back in gear. I went to the gym once last week. I got back onto my calorie tracking and lost the 5 I had gained back.  I am starting this week out once again at my last good weight of 245. YAY!

So what have I learned these last few weeks? That, regardless of good intentions, after all I did pack healthy food in my suitcase, when tempted with goodies that 7 other ladies were enjoying, I cave. Getting back on the wagon is really hard to do once your fat ass falls off. And even though you may time travel pass your oopsies; the memory is still there in your head, and on your ass.

Until next week my friends!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Week 3

Week 3 started with a severe thunderstorm threatening my workout. I rushed home to change from work and flew as quickly as I could to the gym so that I would not get drenched. Luckily the room in which I was stumbling over my own two feet trying to do Group Groove* in, didn’t lose power so the instructor had the whole HOUR to torture me and remind me once again, I am not that skinny girl I used to be. 

*Note: doing cardio choreographed dance moves when you are 100 pounds over weight is quite difficult and you should check with a licensed physician before attempting; he may need to slap you across the face for even considering it!

If you do not know what Group Groove is follow this link it is a video trailer for the release I attempted last Monday night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg6F-iZCihc

Last week proved more difficult for me. I only made it to the gym twice, because I had some last minute changes to plans that gave me a reason to make it hard to go the gym. I also had some friends over on Sunday and even though I stayed under my calorie count for the day, I ate way more food then I should have.

Monday morning I stopped by a local fast food place to grab some coffee and the sun was glistening off this ad.

It really bothered me. America has gotten so out of control with everything needing to be BIG. SUPER. EXTRA. But then society expects us to be small, tiny, thin. Even at the gym while exercising on the treadmill I watch commercial after commercial of fast food junk mind control. I think I may also have to give up TV in my new lifestyle.

I felt I needed a little extra “Ummphfff” of inspiration so I purchased a beautiful maxi dress. The dress is in my goal size. And damn it one day I will fit in it!!!!

Well here are my stats for this week.
Weekly  Summary

Budget Food Exercise
Weight (lbs)
7/25/11 1,507 1,402 372

7/26/11 1,434 1,116 422

7/27/11 1,491 951 0

7/28/11 1,494 1,491 0

7/29/11 1,494 1,302 0

7/30/11 1,494 1,093 0

7/31/11 1,490 1,468 185


2,561 calories under budget for the week

Lost 4 pounds this week!!!

This week I have to kick it up a notch! Going on Holiday next week! Yikes!

Keep Shining!